How to translate iTable tables to API queries

This guide shows how to translate the process of getting data from various iTables searches to using the API. We do this for each of the datasets.

General info

Note that for some scenarios it may take several API queries to generate the data for a single iTables table. Also, in the examples below we often search for a target parameter by a string value in a table. You can always export the table of possibilities to spreadsheet to view the whole thing (e.g., tbl.to_csv("fname.csv", index=False))

We first need to figure out what dataset to pull from. Here’s roughly how the “tabs” on the iTables web page map to the different API datasets:

  • “(National Data) GDP & Personal Income” -> [NIPA, NIUnderlyingDetail]

  • “Fixed Assets” -> FixedAssets

  • “GDP by Industry” -> [GDPbyIndustry, UnderlyingGDPbyIndustry]

  • “Input-Output” -> InputOutput

  • “Int’l Transactions, Services, & IIP” -> [IntlServTrade, ITA, IIP]

  • “Direct Investments & MNEs” -> MNE

  • “(Regional Data) GDP & Personal Income” -> Regional

Other resources

While we show one method here, there are some other resources that may be helpful:


import beaapi

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)  # show all text in cells
# Get key from unversioned file
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
beakey = os.environ.get("beakey")

Code utilities

We define here a few tools to be use below

# Get some basic Meta-data. What are the table names?
datasets_info = beaapi.get_data_set_list(beakey)
dataset_names = list(datasets_info['DatasetName'])
param_infos = {dataset_name: beaapi.get_parameter_list(beakey, dataset_name) for dataset_name in dataset_names}

Make a function get_table_param_from_desc() to ease getting table IDs from descriptions

# Tools to help lookup table IDs from table descriptions
table_var = {'NIPA':'TableName',
    'FixedAssets': 'TableName',
    'Regional': "TableName",
table_param_desc = {'NIPA':'Description',
    'FixedAssets': 'Description',
    'Regional': "Desc",
table_names = {}
for dataset_name, table_var_name in table_var.items():
    if table_var_name is not None:
        table_names[dataset_name] = beaapi.get_parameter_values(beakey, dataset_name, table_var_name)

def get_table_param_from_desc(dataset_name, desc):
    mask = table_names[dataset_name][table_param_desc[dataset_name]].str.contains(desc)
    results = table_names[dataset_name][mask]
    table_var_name = table_var[dataset_name]
    return table_var_name, results

How to build query from iTables

National Data - GDP & Personal Income

NIPA (publication category “GDP and Personal Income”, default)

First, let’s take as example table the first one on the web page and describe what we do have

# Example
desc = "Table 1.1.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product"
freq = "Q"
year = "2019" # input as string

Then let’s see what we need to build the query

ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag ParameterDefaultValue MultipleAcceptedFlag AllValue
0 Frequency string A - Annual, Q-Quarterly, M-Monthly 1 1
1 ShowMillions string A flag indicating that million-dollar data sho... 0 N 0
2 TableID integer The standard NIPA table identifier 0 <NA> 0
3 TableName string The new NIPA table identifier 0 <NA> 0
4 Year integer List of year(s) of data to retrieve (X for All) 1 1 X

Note, we actually need exactly 1 of TableID or TableName. (They transitioned to TableName, but keep TableID around for compatibility.)

Next let’s find the TableName from the description.

table_param_name, table_param_vals = get_table_param_from_desc("NIPA", desc)
print("We'll use that one")
table_param_val = table_param_vals.iloc[0,0]

TableName Description
0 T10101 Table 1.1.1. Percent Change From Preceding Per...
We'll use that one

Finally, let’s get the data.

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "NIPA", TableName=table_param_val, Frequency=freq, Year=year)
TableName SeriesCode LineNumber LineDescription TimePeriod METRIC_NAME CL_UNIT UNIT_MULT DataValue NoteRef
0 T10101 A191RL 1 Gross domestic product 2019Q1 Fisher Quantity Index Percent change, annual rate 0 2.4 T10101
1 T10101 A191RL 1 Gross domestic product 2019Q2 Fisher Quantity Index Percent change, annual rate 0 3.2 T10101
2 T10101 A191RL 1 Gross domestic product 2019Q3 Fisher Quantity Index Percent change, annual rate 0 2.8 T10101
3 T10101 A191RL 1 Gross domestic product 2019Q4 Fisher Quantity Index Percent change, annual rate 0 1.9 T10101
4 T10101 DPCERL 2 Personal consumption expenditures 2019Q1 Fisher Quantity Index Percent change, annual rate 0 0.6 T10101

NIUnderlyingDetail (Publication Category “Underlying Details”, non-default)

# Info from iTables
desc = "Table 1AU. Real Manufacturing and Trade Inventories, Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period" # Note: have to cut off final "[Chained 1996 dollars, 1967-96, SIC]" to get it to match

print("What parameters are needed")
What parameters are needed
ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag ParameterDefaultValue MultipleAcceptedFlag AllValue
0 Frequency string A - Annual, Q-Quarterly, M-Monthly 1 1
1 TableID integer The standard NI underlying detail table identi... 0 <NA> 0
2 TableName string The new NIPA table identifier 0 <NA> 0
3 Year integer List of year(s) of data to retrieve (X for All) 1 1 X

Get tablename from iTable’s table description from web

table_param_name, table_param_vals = get_table_param_from_desc("NIUnderlyingDetail", desc)
print("That one looks good.")
table_param_val = table_param_vals.iloc[0,0]
What TableName matches?
TableName Description
0 U001A Table 1AU. Real Manufacturing and Trade Invent...

Next, get data.

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "NIUnderlyingDetail", TableName=table_param_val, Frequency=freq, Year=year)
TableName SeriesCode LineNumber LineDescription TimePeriod METRIC_NAME CL_UNIT UNIT_MULT DataValue NoteRef
0 U001A KSTMT 1 Manufacturing and trade 1995Q1 Chained Dollars Level 6 973434 U001A
1 U001A KSTMT 1 Manufacturing and trade 1995Q2 Chained Dollars Level 6 984218 U001A
2 U001A KSTMT 1 Manufacturing and trade 1995Q3 Chained Dollars Level 6 991162 U001A
3 U001A KSTMT 1 Manufacturing and trade 1995Q4 Chained Dollars Level 6 994259 U001A
4 U001A KSTM 2 Manufacturing 1995Q1 Chained Dollars Level 6 410079 U001A
# Unsure how to access Publication category "Additional Tables"
# desc="FWPI-1. Fixed-Weighted Price Indexes"
# Both methods fail:
#search_result = beaapi.search_metadata(desc, beakey)
#table_param_name, table_param_vals = get_table_param_from_desc("NIPA", desc) #Tried with NIUnderlyingDetail

National Data - Fixed Assets


# Info from iTable
desc = "Table 1.1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods"

First, what parameters are needed?

ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag ParameterDefaultValue MultipleAcceptedFlag AllValue
0 TableName string The new Fixed Assets identifier 1 0
1 Year integer List of year(s) of data to retrieve (X for All) 1 1 X

Get tablename from iTable’s table description from web

table_param_name, table_param_vals = get_table_param_from_desc("FixedAssets", desc)
print("That one looks good")
table_param_val = table_param_vals.iloc[0,0]
TableName Description
0 FAAt101 Table 1.1. Current-Cost Net Stock of Fixed Ass...

Get data

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "FixedAssets", TableName=table_param_val, Year=year)
TableName SeriesCode LineNumber LineDescription TimePeriod METRIC_NAME CL_UNIT UNIT_MULT DataValue NoteRef
0 FAAt101 k1wtotl1es00 1 Fixed assets and consumer durable goods 2013 Current Dollars Level 9 56290.3 FAAt101
1 FAAt101 k1ttotl1es00 2 Fixed assets 2013 Current Dollars Level 9 51510.7 FAAt101
2 FAAt101 k1ptotl1es00 3 Private 2013 Current Dollars Level 9 38567.6 FAAt101
3 FAAt101 k1ntotl1es00 4 Nonresidential 2013 Current Dollars Level 9 21073.3 FAAt101
4 FAAt101 k1ntotl1eq00 5 Equipment 2013 Current Dollars Level 9 5897.2 FAAt101

Industry Data

GDPbyIndustry (Publication category “GDP-by-Industry”, a default)

# Info from iTable
desc = "Value Added by Industry"
industries = "ALL" # from iTable

First, what parameters are needed?

ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag ParameterDefaultValue MultipleAcceptedFlag AllValue
0 Frequency string A - Annual, Q-Quarterly 1 1 ALL
1 Industry string List of industries to retrieve (ALL for All) 1 1 ALL
2 TableID integer The unique GDP by Industry table identifier (A... 1 1 ALL
3 Year integer List of year(s) of data to retrieve (ALL for All) 1 1 ALL

Get tablename

table_param_name, table_param_vals = get_table_param_from_desc("GDPbyIndustry", desc)
print("That first one looks right.")
table_param_val = table_param_vals.iloc[0,0]
What TableName matches?
Key Desc
0 1 Value Added by Industry (A) (Q)
2 6 Components of Value Added by Industry (A)
3 7 Components of Value Added by Industry as a Per...
4 8 Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Value Added by...
5 9 Percent Changes in Chain-Type Quantity Indexes...
6 10 Real Value Added by Industry (A) (Q)
7 11 Chain-Type Price Indexes for Value Added by In...
8 12 Percent Changes in Chain-Type Price Indexes fo...

Get data

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "GDPbyIndustry", TableID=table_param_val, Year=year, Frequency=freq, Industry=industries)
TableID Frequency Year Quarter Industry IndustrYDescription DataValue NoteRef
0 1 Q 2019 I 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 159.7 1
1 1 Q 2019 I 111CA Farms 120.9 1
2 1 Q 2019 I 113FF Forestry, fishing, and related activities 38.8 1
3 1 Q 2019 I 21 Mining 302.1 1
4 1 Q 2019 I 211 Oil and gas extraction 185.6 1

UnderlyingGDPbyIndustry (Publication category “Underlying”, non-default)

# Info from iTable
desc = "U.Value Added by Industry"

What parameters are needed?

industries = "ALL" # from iTable
ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag ParameterDefaultValue MultipleAcceptedFlag AllValue
0 Frequency string Q-Quarterly 1 1 ALL
1 Industry string List of industries to retrieve (ALL for All) 1 1 ALL
2 TableID integer The unique Underlying GDP by Industry table id... 1 1 ALL
3 Year integer List of year(s) of data to retrieve (ALL for All) 1 1 ALL

Get tablename

table_param_name, table_param_vals = get_table_param_from_desc("UnderlyingGDPbyIndustry", desc)
print("What TableName matches?")
table_param_val = table_param_vals.iloc[0,0]
print("First one")
What TableName matches?
Key Desc
0 210 U.Value Added by Industry (A)
First one

Get data

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "UnderlyingGDPbyIndustry", TableID=table_param_val, Year=year, Frequency=freq, Industry=industries)
TableID Frequency Year Industry IndustrYDescription DataValue NoteRef
0 210 A 2013 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 214.3 210
1 210 A 2013 111 Crop production 111.7 210
2 210 A 2013 111CA Farms 183.3 210
3 210 A 2013 112 Animal production and aquaculture 71.5 210
4 210 A 2013 113FF Forestry, fishing, and related activities 31.0 210

InputOutput (Publication category “Input-Output”, a default)

# Info from iTable
desc = "The Use of Commodities by Industries - Sector"

print("What parameters are needed")
#industries = "ALL" # from iTable
What parameters are needed
ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag ParameterDefaultValue MultipleAcceptedFlag AllValue
0 TableID integer The unique Input-Output table identifier 1 1
1 Year integer List of year(s) of data to retrieve (ALL for All) 1 1 ALL

Get tablename

table_param_name, table_param_vals = get_table_param_from_desc("InputOutput", desc)
print("What TableName matches?")
print("That first one looks good")
table_param_val = table_param_vals.iloc[0,0]
What TableName matches?
Key Desc
9 258 The Use of Commodities by Industries - Sector
That first one looks good

Get data

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "InputOutput", TableID=table_param_val, Year=year)
TableID Year RowCode RowDescr RowType ColCode ColDescr ColType DataValue NoteRef
0 258 2020 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Commodity 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Industry 106419 258
1 258 2020 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Commodity T001 Total Intermediate Industry 446013 258
2 258 2020 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Commodity 31G Manufacturing Industry 309395 258
3 258 2020 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Commodity 7 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation... Industry 8556 258
4 258 2020 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting Commodity 21 Mining Industry 168 258

# Unsure how to access Publication category "Make Use Framework" # desc="The Use of Commodities by Industries, After Redefinitions" # Both methods fail: #search_result = beaapi.search_metadata(desc, beakey) #display(search_result) #table_param_name, table_param_vals = get_table_param_from_desc("UnderlyingGDPbyIndustry", desc) # Tried also with InputOutput, GDPbyIndustry #display(table_param_vals)

Int’l Transactions, Services, IIP


The different tables are associated with different sets of lines (indicators). So some tables aren’t easy to reconstruct exactly.

Note: (in PDF but API error msg confusing) you can’t get all indicators using “AllCountries” (agg’d over countries), even though that would seem easy (and is something like like table 1.1).

Basically you have to look through beaapi.get_parameter_values(beakey, "ITA", "Indicator")

Note also that the following indicators don’t report global sum, so ask for all countries individually: ‘ExpGdsAutoEngAndEngParts’, ‘ExpGdsOthAutoPartsAndAcc’, ‘ExpGdsPassCars’, ‘ExpGdsTrucksBusesSpecPurpVeh’, ‘ImpGdsAutoEngAndEngParts’, ‘ImpGdsOthAutoPartsAndAcc’, ‘ImpGdsPassCars’, ‘ImpGdsTrucksBusesSpecPurpVeh’

# Roughly one line from "Table 1.2. U.S. International Transactions, Expanded Detail"
desc = "Balance on goods"

print("What parameters are needed")
What parameters are needed
ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag ParameterDefaultValue MultipleAcceptedFlag AllValue
0 Indicator string The indicator code for the type of transaction... 0 ALL 1 ALL
1 AreaOrCountry string The area or country requested 0 AllCountries 1 ALL
2 Frequency string A - Annual, QSA - Quarterly seasonally adjuste... 0 ALL 1 ALL
3 Year string Year requested 0 ALL 1 ALL

Get indicator (or get a single country)

# areas_ITA = beaapi.get_parameter_values(beakey, 'ITA', 'AreaOrCountry')
ita_indicatorsID = beaapi.get_parameter_values(beakey, 'ITA', 'Indicator')

ind_result = ita_indicatorsID[ita_indicatorsID["Desc"].str.contains(desc)]
print("Take the first one")
indicator = "BalGds"
Key Desc
2 BalGds Balance on goods
3 BalGdsServ Balance on goods and services
Take the first one

Get data

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "ITA", Year=year, AreaOrCountry=cntry, Frequency=freq, Indicator=indicator)
Indicator AreaOrCountry Frequency Year TimeSeriesId TimeSeriesDescription TimePeriod CL_UNIT UNIT_MULT DataValue NoteRef
0 BalGds AllCountries QSA 2020 TSI_ItaBalGds_QSA Balance on goods; quarterly seasonally adjusted 2020Q3 USD 6 -245370 Q
1 BalGds AllCountries QSA 2020 TSI_ItaBalGds_QSA Balance on goods; quarterly seasonally adjusted 2020Q4 USD 6 -253125 Q


Similar issue about different iTables tables being different sets or broken out by country in different ways. Basically have to look at TypeOfService values to line up with tables. Though in this case we can get all types of service of “AllCountries” (agg’d over countries)

type_desc = "Sea transport"

print("What parameters are needed")

What parameters are needed
ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag ParameterDefaultValue MultipleAcceptedFlag AllValue
0 TypeOfService string The type of service requested 0 ALL 1 ALL
1 TradeDirection string The trade direction requested 0 ALL 1 ALL
2 Affiliation string The affiliation requested 0 ALL 1 ALL
3 AreaOrCountry string The area or country requested 0 AllCountries 1 ALL
4 Year string The year requested 0 ALL 1 ALL

Get type

# cntr_IST = beaapi.get_parameter_values(beakey, 'IntlServTrade', 'AreaOrCountry')
ist_Type = beaapi.get_parameter_values(beakey, 'IntlServTrade', 'TypeOfService')
type_result = ist_Type[ist_Type["Desc"].str.contains(type_desc)]
type_of_service = type_result.iloc[0,0]
Key Desc
104 TransportSea Sea transport services

Get data

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "IntlServTrade", AreaOrCountry="AllCountries",TypeOfService=type_of_service, Year="1999")
TypeOfService TradeDirection Affiliation AreaOrCountry Year TimeSeriesId TimeSeriesDescription TimePeriod CL_UNIT UNIT_MULT DataValue NoteRef
0 TransportSea Exports Affiliated AllCountries 1999 TSI_IstTransportSeaExpAllCountriesAff_A Exports of sea transport services; all countri... 1999 USD 6 NaN .....
1 TransportSea Exports AllAffiliations AllCountries 1999 TSI_IstTransportSeaExpAllCountriesAllAff_A Exports of sea transport services; all countries 1999 USD 6 10489.0
2 TransportSea Exports Unaffiliated AllCountries 1999 TSI_IstTransportSeaExpAllCountriesUnaff_A Exports of sea transport services; all countri... 1999 USD 6 10489.0
3 TransportSea Exports UsAffiliates AllCountries 1999 TSI_IstTransportSeaExpAllCountriesUsAff_A Exports of sea transport services; all countri... 1999 USD 6 NaN .....
4 TransportSea Exports UsParents AllCountries 1999 TSI_IstTransportSeaExpAllCountriesUsPar_A Exports of sea transport services; all countri... 1999 USD 6 NaN .....


Similar issues as above, but now TypeOfInvestment are the lines in tables. Does allow all TypeOfInvestment for “AllCountries” (agg’d over countries)

type_desc = "Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives"

print("What parameters are needed")
What parameters are needed
ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag ParameterDefaultValue MultipleAcceptedFlag AllValue
0 TypeOfInvestment string Type of investment 0 ALL 1 ALL
1 Component string Component of changes in position 0 ALL 1 ALL
2 Frequency string A - Annual, QNSA - Quarterly not seasonally ad... 0 ALL 1 ALL
3 Year string Year requested 0 ALL 1 ALL

Get Type of Investment

# year_IIP = beaapi.get_parameter_values(beakey, 'IIP', 'Year') #if we wanted to get list of years
iip_Type = beaapi.get_parameter_values(beakey, 'IIP', 'TypeOfInvestment')
type_result = iip_Type[iip_Type["Desc"].str.contains(type_desc.lower())] #Note descriptions don't exaclty match lines so make lower case
type_of_inv = type_result.iloc[0,0]
Key Desc
343 NetExclFinDeriv U.S. net international investment position exc...

Get data

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "IIP", AreaOrCountry="AllCountries",TypeOfInvestment=type_of_inv,Year="2020",Frequency="QNSA")
TypeOfInvestment Component Frequency Year TimeSeriesId TimeSeriesDescription TimePeriod CL_UNIT UNIT_MULT DataValue NoteRef
0 NetExclFinDeriv Pos QNSA 2020 TSI_IipNetExclFinDerivPos_QNSA U.S. net international investment position exc... 2020Q1 USD 6 -12150967
1 NetExclFinDeriv Pos QNSA 2020 TSI_IipNetExclFinDerivPos_QNSA U.S. net international investment position exc... 2020Q2 USD 6 -13018024
2 NetExclFinDeriv Pos QNSA 2020 TSI_IipNetExclFinDerivPos_QNSA U.S. net international investment position exc... 2020Q3 USD 6 -13794338
3 NetExclFinDeriv Pos QNSA 2020 TSI_IipNetExclFinDerivPos_QNSA U.S. net international investment position exc... 2020Q4 USD 6 -14004615

Direct Investment & MNEs

See the separate guide iTables_MNE


# Regional actually has the table name at the end of the description, so no need for get_table_param_from_desc()!
table_param_val= "SQGDP1"

print("What parameters are needed")
What parameters are needed
ParameterName ParameterDataType ParameterDescription ParameterIsRequiredFlag MultipleAcceptedFlag ParameterDefaultValue
0 GeoFips string Comma-delimited list of 5-character geographic... 1 1 <NA>
1 LineCode integer Line code for a statistic or industry 1 0 <NA>
2 TableName string Regional income or product table to retrieve 1 0
3 Year string Comma-delimted list of years; LAST5 for latest... 0 1 LAST5
[ ]:
linecode="ALL" # Mentioned in PDF
# Otherwise, could do
# pos_line_codes = beaapi.get_parameter_values_filtered(beakey, "Regional", "LineCode", TableName=table_param_val)
# display(pos_line_codes)

geo_fips = "00000" # Note: Not mentioned in docs, but common. See pdf for other common values
# Otherwise, could do
# pos_geo_codes = beaapi.get_parameter_values_filtered(beakey, "Regional", "GeoFips", TableName=table_param_val, LineCode=linecode)
# display(pos_geo_codes)

Get data

tbl = beaapi.get_data(beakey, "Regional", TableName=table_param_val, Year=year, GeoFips=geo_fips, LineCode=linecode)
Code GeoFips GeoName TimePeriod Description CL_UNIT UNIT_MULT DataValue
0 SQGDP1-3 00000 United States 2021Q1 Current-dollar GDP (millions of current dollars) Millions of current dollars 6 22038226.0
1 SQGDP1-3 00000 United States 2021Q2 Current-dollar GDP (millions of current dollars) Millions of current dollars 6 22740959.0
2 SQGDP1-3 00000 United States 2021Q3 Current-dollar GDP (millions of current dollars) Millions of current dollars 6 23202344.0
3 SQGDP1-3 00000 United States 2021Q4 Current-dollar GDP (millions of current dollars) Millions of current dollars 6 24002815.0
4 SQGDP1-1 00000 United States 2021Q1 Real GDP (millions of chained 2012 dollars) Millions of chained 2012 dollars 6 19055655.0
[ ]: